Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Frank O. Gehry "since 1997" Exhibition

Walt Disney Concert Hall, 1999 -2003 @ 1:50 scale

Toronto-born architect Frank Gehry is being honoured with his first exhibition entitled "since 1997" currently on display at the Triennale Design Museum in Milan. The collection, co-curated by Gehry himself, brings together a selection of his iconic projects and attempts to explore how the buildings interact with its surrounding environment and human scale.

I don't know about you, but this scaled version of the Walt Disney Concert Hall would look great in my living room. Regardless, it's nice to see architecture make its way into art galleries.

More photos via DesignBoom.

For a glimpse inside Gehry's creative process, watch the Sydney Pollack directed documentary, Sketches of Frank Gehry here.

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